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Vaclav Smil is energy personified

Pun intended. The man is a world treasure and force of nature in dropping the knowledge. Vaclav Smil is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba and has published more than 40 books and 500 papers: an immigrant who gets the job done. My learning curve was jump started after reading Energy: A Beginner’s Guide, Energy Transitions, and Energy and Civilization. The combination of history, math, and perspective about possibilities is energizing.

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People are doing different

I think it is fair to say we are in the Early Adoption phase of changing both the demand and supply sides of the equation, whether it is physical electrical grids or knowledge to inspire change. Rewiring America is presenting the data to create political will to enable change. I see more signs of the electrify everything argument by Saul Griffith with each new Biden policy push and service supplier like heat pump contractors transforming HVAC. Although the Green Premium is real and quantifiable, the doing different movement is progressing towards a great goal: human energy demands can be met while maximizing sustainable, carbon neutral outcomes by making human decisions neutral in terms of financial or ethical tradeoffs.

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Investors are backing it up

Human demand for energy is expected to only increase due to population growth, civilization building, and new exploration. This is a massive investment opportunity. It seems that investors are on the other side of the chasm, past the trough of disillusionment when it comes to expecting returns on investment. Breakthrough Energy and Energy Impact Partners have billions at work. Funds like Bouyant, FullCycle, and Powerhouse are ramping up. The thesis-driven investments by Albert Wenger was inspiring when we spoke during my time at Twilio. It is great to see the Union Square Ventures Climate Fund is ready to go for both bits and atoms.


Stories are building more awareness

The inconvenient truths keep being told, and I suppose even climate change denial is a form of building awareness as acknowledged by the old adage about press. I have sifted through and watched so many videos during early morning hours, from CNBC about 100% clean grids to The Economist and climate business impacts. Some podcasts fill my mind during my quiet EV drives: The Energy Gang, The Interchange, The Big Switch, and My Climate Journey. As much as my cynicism seems to grow asymptotically with age, I appreciate the bold corporate idealists out there leading efforts like FedEx carbon neutral by 2040. It takes a village that shares stories. The big sift of information continues.